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President’s Corner (December 2024)
December 30, 2024
It’s been a busy few months without a President’s Corner. First, thanks to everyone who contributed to the October field trip to Owens Valley. The SCGS officers (Rene, Otto, Sean, Alyssa & Thomas) were key to making the planning and logistics work so well. Thanks to the LADWP for allowing us to tour two of their properties. And most importantly, the geologists who lent their expertise to the guidebook and trip:
Personally, I appreciated everyone’s good humor through the wind and the many people I met. The photograph below is from the Poverty Hills overlook of the Tinnemaha Reservoir courtesy of Joe Roe.
At our last meeting on November 4, 42 people heard from Jeff Pigati and Kathleen Springer of the USGS about the oldest dated human footprints in North America via Zoom. An impressive team of experts have really changed the timing of the peopling of the Americas. The meeting was recorded and will be available on the SCGS website.
The Annual SCGS Holiday Party in December was a great way to end the year. Thanks again to Eldon and Clara for opening their home to us once again.
Jeff Knott
-Diamond Level-
– Gold Level –
– Silver Level –
– Bronze Level –